In the business world, we see some companies are flourishing year on year whereas some others are struggling despite so much potential. Why this happen? Why some companies having so much potential fail to create impact and make business sustainable? Successful companies must be doing something right that creating the difference.

Throughout my career, I have observed a few factors impacts negatively on business performance. Read More

Leading researchers on the topic, Psychologists Peter Salovey and John D. Mayer define emotional intelligence as the ability to recognize and understand emotions in oneself and others. An emotionally intelligent person utilizes this ability to make decisions, solve problems, and communicate with others. Read More

I worked several startups in Bangladesh in my career and have seen how these newly founded companies could not reach to the target customers. I believe, the following issues must be considered to make a startup successful in this challenging Bangladeshi market. Read More

angladesh has a huge possibility to develop it as a Startup hub in South Asia considering its steady economy with over 6% GDP growth on average per year, and total population of 164 million along with 107 million people below 35 age range makes Bangladesh one of thriving market for innovative products and services. Bangladesh Government is taking important steps with the help of private sector to establish startups operate business in global and domestic level. Although there is lots of initiatives and enthusiasm about startups in young professionals in the country, most are failing within 3 years into its operation. Read More